KC Beer Blog
Well what do you know. This whole blogging thing seems as if it's panning out. Looks like I'll be writing for the KC Beer Blog now. The current manager of the blog was just too busy to keep it all going by himself, so he put out a call for contributors. There are three of us new guys that will be blogging away about beer now. One guy will handle all the brewery news and new beer releases, one guy will be talking about homebrew news and community, and then...there's me.
I guess I'm just going to be writing about whatever brews up in my head. The staff opinionator, I suppose. Which, when I consider I should probably actually write something once a week or so, it's a pretty daunting task. It's easy to write whenever something pops into my head, but to coax words out of the depths of my mind on command? That's just a whole different deal. So I call on all of you out there! Give me ideas and ask me questions! About beer, brewing, or...whatever!
You can see my first post here!
The Aber Taphouse
My biggest concern at this point is now that our deadline will soon be passed, all those other things on the to-do list are just going to float away, never to be finished. Then again, maybe this is the essence of owning a home: the ability have selective vision and simply not notice anything wrong with the house. Maybe some day I will get bored and just start working on the list. I find this unlikely at least until after the new year though, as I think I've had enough home improvement work for at least the next couple of months. And afterall, its brewing season, hunting season, and holiday season. Which basically means...it's drinking season! (AFTER the hunt, anyway.)
I know it's foamy, damn it! I was in a hurry! |